Credit cards are have become increasingly popular in today’s time because of there instant credit features and various kinds of benefits. To avail credit card, you are required to apply for it with the bank whose card you want to procure. There are different types of credit cards, and each of them has their credit card eligibility criteria based on which banks decide whether to accept the application or not.

The steps to apply for a credit card are:
1. Select the credit card you want to apply for.
2. Fill the form along with required documents
Banks usually conduct a ground verification in case of the first card before sending the credit card.
By availing a credit card, you can have the following benefits:
a) You can build your credit history with the help of a credit card.
b) Avail various rewards and discounts which is available exclusively through a particular credit card.
The easiest card to get is not dependent on the card type but more on the eligibility criteria that you can satisfy. The duration of a credit card to reach your home is around a week. But whether the card you want is the card you are eligible for or not is a question whose answer will tell you which card is the easiest for you.
READ MORE HERE: What Are the Easiest Credit Cards to Get?