Credit score plays a vital role nowadays. You may not even realize, and you accidentally damage your credit score through making simple credit card score mistakes by using your credit cards in a wrong manner. Managing your credit score is not only that you need to pay your due monthly bills well on time but if you maintain it it will help you give a better credit to you in the future like loans, new credit cards or maybe some other form of credit that you may need due to some unforeseen event that may happen in your life. Here are a few common credit score mistakes that you should avoid to keep your score healthy.
1) Remember do not exceed your credit limit as it will adversely hamper your credit score. Use only that much your credit card issuer has allotted you.
2) The presence of balance in your credit card may also impact your score as you might think that keeping some balance in your credit card will help you increase your credit score, but it is not like that. You might face problem in clearing the balances which are pending on your credit card.
3) You have a credit card with a reasonable credit limit. It doesn't mean that you are making unnecessary purchases just to earn attractive rewards which might pose a problem for you.
4) Closing your old credit card accounts will also hamper your credit score as your old accounts show your credit history which may help you to increase your credit score
5) Keep a tab on your credit report as this will help you to fix any negative error in it which is responsible for bringing down your credit score.
READ MORE : Credit Score Mistakes to Avoid