Credit score has become one of the most crucial factors from the lenders perspective for evaluating the creditworthiness of the applicant, and the approval of credit card or any loan depends on this only. Therefore, it is mandatory to have a good credit score if you need any sort of funds. There are some essential points, by taking care of which one can increase their credit score like proper utilisation of your credit limit. It is highly advisable that the consumer should utilize 30-40% of their credit limit, which ensures the borrower that consumer is an ideal user of credit. Always clear the bills and the EMIs issued against the credit cards on time. This practice helps you to get a credit score. One should always keep track of their credit report so that if by chance there happens to be an error, the same can be raised and rectified on an immediate basis, which will help to increase the good credit score. Given above are some of the examples using which you can raise your credit score.

Get More detail: Build Strong credit with these financial habits