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  • divyakapoor8585

How Fintechs are marking Credit card application process easy

Numerous credit card products from various banks can easily confuse a person and make the process of choosing the credit card and applying for it a cumbersome task. Before you go forward with assessing different cards you need to be clear in mind as to why you need a credit card and how do you spend. Your spending habits and the reason for taking credit card will determine which type of credit card will be suitable for you whether it will be travel card, fuel card, rewards card or any other.

On Fintech platform a user gets complete information related to a various credit card offered by banks based on its income and credit score. An easy user interface and inclusive list of credit card based on either eligibility or card type with complete information about it like joining fee, annual fee, various benefits give the user best plat for Required credit score to buy a house?

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