Credit cards are similar to pre-approved loans using which one could purchase goods and services on a credit and pay it on a later date. Apply for Credit card are undoubtedly a very convenient mode than debit cards as it reduces the need for carrying cash in your pocket. But do you know that if you are not able to pay your monthly due bills on your credit card you might end up paying a high rate of interest on your card thus exhausting all your savings? So, you need to be very careful and try not to create a credit card debt which could land you in trouble.

One may follow these important points to escape from a credit card debt-
1) Never make irrational spending on your card, spend only that much what you actually require. If you overspend on your card, it would be much more difficult for you to pay the bill at the end which would ultimately create a pool of debt on your card.
2) Not making or clearing your credit card bill will also create a problem because the debt will keep on piling each month which would make it difficult for you to clear a one go.
3) Never make any big purchase using your credit card, as you may not be able to pay it later on due to insufficient funds with you which would also hamper your credit score.
READ HERE MORE: Choose The Perfect Credit Card For You