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  • divyakapoor8585

What is wise Usage Of Credit Card

A credit card is not as bad as some people might think to be. Yes, a credit card can be a means to land in a debt trap, but that is solely because of mishandling it. Otherwise, best credit card has many things to offer which people miss due to lack of awareness.

Some tips to wisely use credit cards are:

a) Choose as per your lifestyle: There are various types of credit cards each pertaining to different customer types like shoppers, travellers, online shoppers, etc. Select the card as per your requirement.

b) Have multiple cards: One card does not have all kinds of benefits, You will get travel benefits from one card and shopping from the other.

c) Different billing cycle: By keeping a gap of 10-15 days in the billing cycle will enable you to use on the card in the first half of the month and another in the second half.

d) Calculate budget: Never spend from the card more than what you have in your account.

e) Keep check of credit card statements: It will help in expense evaluation and identifying any error on it.

First time user should take of these aspects:

1. Stay within budget.

2. Keep a check on the credit card statement.

3. Always pay off your credit card bill on time.

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